A Voice Onstage, A Message Offstage.

Music Lab Festival 2024 本地薑音樂節

original . excellence

As a non-profit organisation with no government funding, we need your support!


Please click here to make a donation.


  • Donations of HKD 2,000 or above will be acknowledged in Music Lab Festival house programmes and webpage.

  • Music Lab Festival priority booking discount will be offered to donations of HKD 1,000 or above. 

  • Donations of HK$100 or above are tax-deductible with a receipt. 

  • Music Lab 會在音樂節場刊及網頁內鳴謝HK$2,000或以上的捐款

  • 凡捐款港幣1,000或以上可享有音樂節優先訂票折扣優惠。

  • 捐款港幣100元或以上可憑收據申請扣減稅項。